Yarn Bomb the patio!


We invite you to help us celebrate our 15th anniversary and turn our patio into a yarn bombed work of art! Everyone who turns in a square will be entered to win a door prize we will give out the end of September.

Questions? We have answers:

What are you looking for?

  • We are looking for knit or crochet squares that are 6"x6" or 12"x12" in any acrylic yarn. Acrylic won't fade as fast in this Texas sun.

Are you offering a discount on yarn purchased for the squares?

  • We are not offering a discount, however we are offering store credit in        exchange for squares. For every 3 squares you turn in, you will earn $15 store credit. Feel free to bust out your stash to earn credit towards new yarn.

I don't have any acrylic in my stash, do you have yarn recommendations?

Do you have any knit or crochet pattern suggestions?

 When do you need the squares?

  • You are welcome to turn them in anytime, but we need to start joining them together by August 21st.