A fun knit in Elemental Affects Civility Fingering, Crazy Diamond Wrap by Ambah O'Brien keeps your attention with alternating mosaic and lace sections.

To knit your own version, purchase the pattern through the link above. Our sample does include a few modifications:

Civility Fingering knits up slightly more heavily than the yarn used in the original pattern, so used a US size 6 (4mm) needle to achieve a good drape. We also shortened the pattern slightly so that we only needed 2 skeins of the main color, La Olivia, and one skein of the contrast color, Aqua Emerald. 

Work pattern rows 1-128 three times.
Work pattern rows 1-106 once more.
Work finishing instructions.

If you wish to knit the original length of the pattern, you will need an extra skein of the main color (so a total of 3 skeins of the main color and 1 skein of the contrast color).

Link to our project on Ravelry.